Wine has been known for centuries as a drink that exudes sophistication, symbolizes quality and is served in moments of pleasure. As such, it remains an example of the quality that everyone wants to preserve in the original. It is known that the age of wine raises its quality and that is why it is necessary to store it according to certain rules.
As a leading glass company, we have long included in our offer a custom wine cellar that provides wine lovers with good protection and a sophisticated storage appearance of quality wine. Glass custom wine cellar is intended for any home or commercial facility that wants to present its stored wines in a luxurious way.
For years, we have witnessed that lovers of quality wine enjoy the daily presentation of the quantity, variety and year of the wine they personally own. In addition to the presentation at home, custom wine cellar is also an excellent presentation to guests in luxury cafes and restaurants because in addition to extremely luxurious appearance, guests have the opportunity to assess the level of a particular facility and the quality provided to guests.
As the most famous glass company, we offer the option of design and installation of custom wine cellar in Las Vegas.
Click on our portfolio to see some of our designed and installed vine cellar and for more information call us at 702 643-9785.